TriStar Alchemy

The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus

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The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus is an ancient document that is the core text of Hermeticism and laboratory alchemy. The Emerald Tablet was originally said to be just that – a text written on a slab of emerald, or an emerald-like material. In seven highly symbolic passages of writing, hidden in layers of enigmatic code, the text is said to outline the entirety of the Magnum Opus (Great Work). It instructs the aspirant how to understand the operations of nature in order to create the Lapis Philosophorum – the legendary Philosopher’s Stone. The tablet is a true distillation of the fundamental principles and cosmology of Western Esoteric Tradition. It also explores the operations of the mysterious Prima Materia (One Thing), a primordial, fundamental energy that pervades everything – from the densest matter to the most rarefied consciousness.

Much debate has taken place over time between practising alchemists and academics alike as to the true origin of the document. History places the oldest surviving copies of the Tablet between 7th-9th century Arabia, while alchemical lore place its origins in the thriving alchemy scene of Alexandrian Egypt, or even much earlier – perhaps truly being authored by the Great alchemical priest-sage of the Corpus Hermeticum, Hermes Trismegistus. Whatever the true origin, the mere existence of the tablet and its impact on the practice of alchemists through the ages is important enough to warrant a serious, thorough examination of both the theory and practice that it outlines.

Students can expect to come away from the course with:

  • Their own connection to and embodiment of the Emerald Tablet as a living repository of wisdom.
  • An understanding of the core principles of alchemy derived from the tablet.
  • Knowledge of how to apply alchemical principles to labwork and personal/spiritual work. 
  • An understanding and appreciation of pivotal cultural forces that impacted the creation of the tablet.
  • Skills to begin to decode alchemical mandalas and imagery.

About your course instructor:

Benjamin Turale is a practicing laboratory alchemist, whose work spans the three kingdoms of nature, specifically vegetable, animal and mineral/metallic spagyrics, with a focus on metallic alchemy and the antimonial path to the Magnum Opus (great work). His creative output also focuses on the confection of spagyric products, practicing grimoire magic and conducting workshops through his business the Temple of Mercury, for which he received the prestigious Paracelsus Award in 2021 for outstanding contributions to alchemy.

Benjamin came to the Hermetic tradition through his interest in consciousness studies and initially by the spiritually transformative aspects of alchemy. Completing an undergraduate degree in philosophy, it was later whilst qualifying as a Transpersonal psychotherapist that he studied Jung, reigniting a childhood interest in western occult traditions. Benjamin worked for 15 years as a therapist and counseling supervisor, whilst also being a lecturer on postgraduate programs. For his masters degree he authored a scientific study on altered states of consciousness in Buddhist meditators, meditation being a practice that he still maintains daily and on long retreats.
Benjamin has been a teacher in one form or another since 2007. He completed the Alchemy Study Program and teacher certification in 2015 under Dennis William Hauck, with a dissertation on John Dee’s Hieroglyphic Monad. Having also studied at the now closed Paracelsus College in Australia, he completed his training in the Albertian lineage under Robert Bartlett and has been vetted to teach by him through the TriStar Apprenticeship Program. Benjamin has organized alchemy conferences and spoken at many occult conferences internationally. He currently serves the International Alchemy Guild as Director of Education and on the executive board. Benjamin’s focus is to preserve and pass on the Hermetic tradition. His other interest is as a lifelong musician, being an initiated bard of the college of Ynis Witrin in Glastonbury, UK.